Friday, December 30, 2005

The Reservoir

Finally, after the really cold days we've had since Christmas, the weather's broken and we've had rain, and wind, and it's warmed up a lot. So I'm really pleased I went out and took some photographs yesterday. I started a photographic course in September which runs for two years covering five units. We've just finished the first and have to write up some topics and do a series of ten photographs - the topics are very wide; 'transport' or 'the world around us', so you could do almost anything. But you do have to take the photographs manually, not let the camera work on automatic, and I think you have to try to capture movement and depth of field (I'll check all this out when I'm back at work when I have a bored moment). So... I went out to take photographs around the reservoir which is outside our window. My plan was to manually capture the water flowing from one reservoir into another, with one picture 'freezing' the water, and another showing it 'flowing'. In the event water wasn't running between the two reservoirs, and I tried to take a picture of a small waterfall in the stream running into the res, but it was fairly dull down in the valley so I couldn't get a fast enough shutter speed to 'freeze' the water. Still, I got some good shots, and I'll try and put a few up here. I'm new to blogging, so have no idea how to do this at the moment, but I'm sure there will be simple instructions leading me through the process...


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